Typescript Examples for Integration

import { solidityPack, parseEther } from "ethers/lib/utils";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";

export default async function (hre) {
    const getContractAt = hre.ethers.getContractAt;
    const vault = await getContractAt("IVault", "0x5BA1C526b79bA08668fa23733E762a2579058697");
    const factory = await getContractAt("ConstantProductPoolFactory", "0xb4e79Fc4F09f8126c1a5a862DA536daBEf455b6f");
    const toToken = (spec: string, id, addr: string) =>
            ["uint8", "uint88", "address"],
            [["erc20", "erc721", "erc1155"].indexOf(spec), id, addr]
    const poolId = (i, poolAddress: string) =>
            ["bytes1", "uint88", "address"],
            [i, 0, poolAddress]
    const INT128_MAX = ethers.BigNumber.from("170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
    const tokenInformation = (index: number, amountType: string, amount) =>
        solidityPack(["uint8", "uint8", "uint112", "int128"], [
            ["exactly", "at most", "all", "flashloan"].indexOf(amountType),

    const compileAndExecute = (value, ops) => {
        const tokenRef = [...new Set(ops.flatMap(x => x[1].map(i => i[0])))].sort();
        return vault.execute([
            (new Array(tokenRef.length)).fill(0),
            ops.map(op => ({
                poolId: op[0],
                tokenInformations: op[1].map(i => tokenInformation(tokenRef.indexOf(i[0]), i[1], i[2])).sort(),
                data: []
            , { value }

    const vevc_address = "0x1b187693Aa0D260896a804aEe1816eC4ACE56257";

    const vc = toToken("erc20", 0, "0xB0B88DF91c5f1E48854225a076AA39f0933Ea2F5");
    const vevc = toToken("erc20", 0, "0x1b187693Aa0D260896a804aEe1816eC4ACE56257");
    const usdc = toToken("erc20", 0, "0x699a9c41da7721cb53eb99de3fba2a5a6165f711");
    const dai = toToken("erc20", 0, "0x342712712a2e16b31761291bf1931f5eba2d928d");
    const eth = "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee";
    const INT128_MAX = BigNumber.from("170141183460469231731687303715884105727");

    const usdc_eth_pool = await factory.pools(eth, usdc);
    const vc_eth_pool = await factory.pools(eth, vc);
    const dai_eth_pool = await factory.pools(eth, dai);
    const usdc_eth_lp = toToken('ERC20', 0, usdc_eth_pool);

    // swap usdc -> eth, exact in
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [
            [usdc, "exactly", parseEther("100")],
            [eth, "at most", parseEther("-0.001")],

    // swap usdc -> eth, exact out
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [
            [usdc, "at most", parseEther("100")],
            [eth, "exactly", parseEther("-0.001")],

    // swap usdc -> eth -> dai, exact in
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [
            [usdc, "exactly", parseEther("100")],
            [eth, "at most", INT128_MAX]
        [poolId(0, dai_eth_pool), [
            [eth, "all", INT128_MAX],
            [dai, "at most", parseEther("-99")],

    // swap usdc -> eth -> dai, exact out
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(0, dai_eth_pool), [
            [eth, "at most", INT128_MAX],
            [dai, "exactly", parseEther("-99")],
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [
            [usdc, "at most", parseEther("100")],
            [eth, "all", INT128_MAX]

    // swap eth -> dai, exact in
    await compileAndExecute(parseEther("0.001"), [
        [poolId(0, dai_eth_pool), [
            [eth, "all", INT128_MAX],
            [dai, "at most", parseEther("-99")],

    // swap eth -> dai, exact out, remaining eth will be refunded
    await compileAndExecute(parseEther("0.001"), [
        [poolId(0, dai_eth_pool), [
            [eth, "at most", INT128_MAX],
            [dai, "exactly", parseEther("-99")],

    // add liquidity and stake usdc-eth == "buying lp token and paying usdc and eth"
    await compileAndExecute(parseEther("0.001"), [
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [ // deposit lp
            [eth, "all", INT128_MAX],
            [usdc, "exactly", parseEther("100")],
            [usdc_eth_lp, "at most", 0]
        [poolId(1, usdc_eth_pool), [ // stake
            [usdc_eth_lp, "all", INT128_MAX]

    // add liquidity and stake usdc-eth, using single token
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [ // deposit lp
            [usdc, "exactly", parseEther("100")],
            [usdc_eth_lp, "at most", 0]
        [poolId(1, usdc_eth_pool), [ // stake
            [usdc_eth_lp, "all", INT128_MAX],
            [vc, "at most", 0] // vc must be included to receive emissions. it will revert otherwise

    // harvest vc
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(1, usdc_eth_pool), [
            [vc, "at most", 0] // vc must be included to receive emissions. it will revert otherwise

    // harvest -> swap -> compound
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(1, usdc_eth_pool), [ //harvest
            [vc, "at most", 0] // vc must be included to receive emissions. it will revert otherwise
        [poolId(0, vc_eth_pool), [ // swap
            [vc, "all", INT128_MAX],
            [eth, "at most", 0],
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [ // deposit lp
            [eth, "all", INT128_MAX],
            [usdc_eth_lp, "at most", 0]
        [poolId(1, usdc_eth_pool), [ // stake
            [usdc_eth_lp, "all", INT128_MAX],
            [vc, "at most", 0] // vc must be included to receive emissions. it will revert otherwise

    // unstake and remove liquidity to usdc
    let stakedAmount = (await (await getContractAt("IGauge", usdc_eth_pool)).stakedTokens("0xmy_address"))[0]
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(1, usdc_eth_pool), [ // unstake
            [usdc_eth_lp, "exactly", stakedAmount.neg()],
            [vc, "at most", 0] // vc must be included to receive emissions. it will revert otherwise
        [poolId(0, usdc_eth_pool), [ // remove lp
            [usdc, "at most", 0],
            //[eth, "at most", 0],  // uncomment to receive both eth and usdc in proportion
            [usdc_eth_lp, "all", INT128_MAX]

    // lock vc
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(0, vevc_address), [
            [vc, "exactly", parseEther("123")],
            [vevc, "at most", 0],

    // vote
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(4, usdc_eth_pool), [
            [vevc, "exactly", parseEther("123")],

    // unvote
    await compileAndExecute(0, [
        [poolId(4, usdc_eth_pool), [
            [vevc, "exactly", parseEther("-123")],


Github repo : https://github.com/velocore/velocore-contracts

Last updated