Gas Saving Matters : Benchmark
Saving on transaction costs is like gaining free liquidity.
Dex | Velocore V2 | U** swap (V3) | P** swap | i** swap | k** swap |
ETH->USDC swap | 104069 | 127543 | 184329 | 197983 | 246445 |
Swap with 1 hop (ex. ETH->USDC-> USDT ) | 144093 | 235295 | 258926 | 579632 | 396242 |
Add ETH-USDC LP | 148185 | 401924 | 511149 | 614200 | 459928 |
The chart above shows how much gas is consumed by the following actions on each Dex: simple swap (without routing), routed swap (with only 1 hop), and add liquidity.
*For an intuitive comparison, the graph is plotted as a transaction cost using the current gas price of 15gwei on the Linea testnet multiplied by the ETH price of $2000.
From the above data, you can see that using Velocore can save you or your buyers 0.7$ ~ 8$, or 30~75% on EVERY action! The difference gets larger when there is chain congestion. Considering that the price impact difference between a regular DEX and a concentrated liquidity DEX is less than 0.2% for a typical trade, this makes a huge difference.
Looking at zkSync's statistics, we can see that the average size of a swap across all dexes is only between $100 and $150. Saving even $1 on gas is equivalent to reducing the price impact by 1%, which is equivalent to getting 100k~500k in liquidity for free.
In general, on Ethereum-based chains, reducing gas costs is most beneficial when the swap size is $10k or less.
Last updated