Three Rounds of Audits

Primary audit by Zokyo

Zokyo is recently trusted by 1000+ companies including Radiant, Layerzero, symbiosis, 1inch, Sushiswap and many other bluechip projects.

Secondary audit by Hacken

Hacken is one of the OG firms in the audit world, having recently audited numerous protocols, including large clients such as binance and huobi. Among Hacken's auditors, the Head of Blockchain Security Research, who has more than 10 years of security experience, participated in our audit to ensure thorough verification. They are recommended by zksyncEra team themselves in their mirror article along with OpenZeppelin, Trail of Bits, Consensys.​

Third audit by Scalebit

Scalebit is a security auditing team specializing in audits for ZKP, Layer 2, and Cross-chain applications. By proofreading the codes, they help to make the protocols of the Linea ecosystem more secure.

Final Reports

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